QBP Settings are critical to ensuring your Masterlinq app runs with the proper permissions needed. Follow the guide below to know what is required if you wish to use the QBP API Feed.
Product Feed
API 3 (CLS) - Your unique QBP API key must be entered here if you wish to use QBP catalog data.
Drop Shipping
Account Username - your QBP b2b login used to submit drop ship (retail fulfillment services) orders
Account Number - your 10 digit QBP account number, including the starting zeros
API 1 Key - your QBP API1 (POS) key. This is used to retrieve tracking and shipping costs after fulfillment
Shipping location number - 10 digit number used to identify your shop from location (commonly the same as your account number if you just have one location). Include the zeros at the start of this number.
FTP Password - you unique eFTP password that QBP Customer Service will provide you.
FTP Username - your ftp username, provided by QBP.
Order processing method - the method that you wish Masterlinq to submit dropship orders by. We recommend to submit orders as a cart for your staff to submit in the event that the order needs to be edited, cancelled, or any other issue arises.
Please note - Dropship orders are submitted to QBP with the cart name labeled as your order number and customer number pre-filled. Do not change the cart name from this order number if you want tracking to be updated after fulfillment.
Occasionally, automatic cart creations do fail for a variety of reasons (Address, low stock, etc.). You can view your submitted drop ships at https://app.masterlinq.io/Account/DropshipHistory. On this status page, you can view the current status of drop ships and update the status if needed.
All fields must be filled out with accurate information to process automatic drop shipments on your account.