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Account Settings: Fulfillment Settings

Updated: Feb 6

If you need to change your fulfillment model, you can do so on the "Fulfillment Settings" tab on your account settings. Select from the following:

Dropship: All orders will be submitted via dropship (QBP and HLC). This model does not support BTI or any other feed so ensure they are turned off or you are able to process them through your retail store. Ensure you have your supplier credentials entered on the supplier settings page when this is enabled.

Masterlinq: If your plan supports Masterlinq Fulfillment and you wish to have your items shipped via our service, select this option. Dropships will still submit automatically if you have your credentials entered for the supplier.

Retailer: Masterlinq will do nothing with your fulfillment, the retailer is 100% responsible for the orders.

On all options, items allocated to your retail store are expected to be processed by your retail store staff.

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